United Messianic Jewish Assemblies

Coming up soon
UMJA Leadership
"Lessons on how to
be an effective
Rabbi Yosef Koelner
Zoom Classroom
(Tentative Date: TBA)
Secure your Seat NOW!
Starting Sept 16, 2024!
(for 5 weeks)
UMJA Yeshiva
God's chosen women
Dr Yosef Koelner
Zoom Classroom
(register to receive link)
Secure your Seat NOW!

15% Off All Items
Are you thinking of leveling up your Torah learning?
Hebrew Transliteration Yeshivat Rabban Gamaliel
We are now taking serious students for the UMJA Yeshiva and many courses are free to members.
This is a great time to get in on the 'ground floor' and take advantage of some top=notch scholarship, especially if you are interested in working toward a Rabbi or Roeh S'mikha.
Directions: Send your inquiries to Rabbi Yosef at ravko@ix.netcom.com.
For any funds due, please go to our donation page to submit payment via PayPal or credit card. Please include your email and the course you are taking, so the Treasurer can send a receipt.
Rabbi Dr. Yosef Koelner - Rosh Yeshiva
Rabbi Gary Beresford
Rabbi Gabriel Lumbroso
Dr. Williams Pitter of Maracaibo, Venezuela, Director of our Spanish division
Individual classes will be taught in 8-week segments.
Special Seasonal Yeshiva weekend classes are offered on zoom.
The Yeshiva Enrollment Fee is at no cost (course resource fees not included) for UMJA members
There is a $50 Yeshiva Enrollment Fee per course (course resource fees not included) for non UMJA members.
Individual costs and schedules for each class will be listed below.
Fees can be made through the Donate page (please include details)
Lessons on How to be an Effective Rabbi -Teacher
Instructor: Dr. Yosef Koelner
Textbook: A Harvard teaching resource
Format: Zoom
Contact: ravko@ix.netcom.com
Introduction to Hebrew
An opportunity to begin reading Biblical Hebrew.
Instructor: Rabbi Gabriel Lumbroso
Textbook: Learn How To Read Hebrew – For Real!
Format: Zoom
Cost: there will be a cost for this course
Intro to Oral Torah
An intro to Mishnah.
Instructor: Dr. Yosef Koelner
Textbook: The Oral Law by Harry Gersh
Format: Zoom
Contact: ravko@ix.netcom.com
History of the Jews
Instructor: Rabbi Gary Beresford
Format: Zoom
Contact: rabbiglberesford@aol.com
Life Cycle Events
Prayers and liturgy for life’s major events such as baby naming, circumcision, adoption, marriage and funerals. The ability to read Hebrew is required.
Instructor: Dr. Yosef Koelner
Textbook: The RCA Lifecycle Madrikh, by Rabbi Reuven P. Bulka
Format: Zoom
Contact: ravko@ix.netcom.com
Jewish Objections to Jesus
A 4-part series of 8 weeks each using pre-recorded classes by Dr. Michael Brown.. Study at your leisure!
Instructors: Dr. Yosef Koelner using Dr. Michael Brown's recorded lectures
Format: recorded lectures with live discussion, curriculum is sent on pdf file
Cost: $20 for each 8-week course
Contact: ravko@ix.netcom.com
Start date: Individual classes available now!
Congregational Leadership
The process of organizing and developing successful strategies to ensure healthy congregational growth, based on the book of Titus.
Instructor: Dr. Yosef Koelner
Textbook: Paul’s Letter to Titus, His Emissary to Crete, About Congregational Life by Yosef Koelner
Format: Zoom
Contact: ravko@ix.netcom.com
Messianic Life of Rabbis
Instructor: Michael Shiffman
Mazzaroth Spiritual Astronomy
Instructor: Rabbi Gabriel Lumbroso
Contact: p.gabriel.lumbroso@gmail.com
Sing the Torah
Instructor: TBD
Contact us if interested
Petah Tikvah Magazine is a 64-page quarterly Messianic Jewish Magazine designed to appeal to all those seeking a Torah-observant lifestyle. The first believers in Yeshua the Messiah were all observant Jews. During the First Century CE (“Common Era”), the only Bible they had was the Tanakh ("Old Testament"). They also had the teachings of Yeshua, which were passed on orally to his talmidim (disciples). In Matthew 5:17-19, Yeshua taught them, “Think not that I have come to destroy the Torah (Law), or the prophets: I have not come to destroy, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass, not one jot nor one tittle shall in any way pass from the law, until all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
You will discover many articles on our website and in our magazine reflecting a Torah-inspired lifestyle. We are also Zionists, and strongly identify with Israel and her struggles. Therefore, you will discover regular news updates and articles, especially those relating to Israel. We also carry articles relating to science and history. There are articles written in Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, Polish, and Bahasa.
We welcome you to ask for a free sample copy of Petah Tikvah. You can email us at Rchaimberlin@juno.com or you can write to us at 165 Doncaster Rd, Rochester NY 14623. My name is Rav Richard ‘Aharon’ Chaimberlin, but you can call me Rick.
When you go to our website, www.petahtikvah.com, you will find well over a hundred different articles reflecting the same values and information that we incorporated into our magazine. You can also order subscriptions on our website, as well as our beautiful Jewish calendars. The Torah/Haftara portions for each week are listed. And of course, you will find all of the Jewish Holy Days, the Biblical holidays. We also offer Biblical commentaries which can be ordered on our website, and which are advertised in our publication.
We also offer a booklet/CD combination called Jewish Basics with beautiful cantorials for Shabbat liturgy. The cantorials are accompanied by piano instrumentals, adding much to your listening pleasure. The cantor on the CD has since moved from the USA to New Zealand. The booklet contains the Hebrew for each of the cantorials, as well as transliterated Hebrew, along with the English translation. Our previous cantor learned the cantorials from this CD and booklet, and did a great job with it! The cost for the CD and accompanying booklet is only $10, no extra cost for S&H.
We are happy to present Lamed Vav House: A Messianic Jewish Publishing House Formed by Rabbi Gabriel Lumbroso and Audrey Eaves. Lamed Vav House aims to publish Messianic Jewish commentaries, fiction, Haggadot, Sedarim for Shabbats and festivals, poetry, and devotionals that encourage ethical lifestyles of integrity in the ways of our Rabbi Yeshua. What is, “Lamed Vav”? Find us at www.lamedvavhouse.com to learn more.
New Book on Purim available now.
Welcoming the Sabbath
The first publication of Lamed Vav House "Welcoming the Shabbat" is officially in print! If you have been wanting to establish a Shabbat tradition in your home but do not know where to start, this little guide is definitely going to be for you! Compiled by Sephardic Messianic Rabbi Gabriel Lumbroso, these traditions are sure to unite households everywhere.
WRITINGS OF THE MESSIAH is now available for purchase at Amazon.com!
UMJA members announces the completion of this new reference book entitled, “Writings of the Messiah.” This text offers
500+ pages of textual resources pertaining to the Messiahship of Yeshua with parallel verses from the Tanach, Talmud, and the Brit Hachadasha.
It is a valuable tool for everyone in defending our faith and exposing non-believing Jewish brethren to Yeshua.
This resource material illustrates that faith in Yeshua has been integral to Jewish thought from the sages of old to present-day Messianic Judaism.
In the UMJA, our membership includes an impressive community of scholars and teachers, Rabbis and Roehs, who present Scripture through the lens of Judaism. Let us know what you're looking for and we'll do our best to serve your needs. We aim to link arms and strengthen one another in every way.
The UMJA offers its members and affiliates free resources such as personal and congregational siddurs, materials, and other Messianic resources to equip our congregations and members. Once your Congregation is chartered with UMJA you will be provided a password to this valuable section of our website.
Click HERE to go to the UMJA Resource Login Page.
Click HERE to join the FB Page "Issues in Messianic Judaism" to discuss Torah relevant and current issues