United Messianic Jewish Assemblies

Members & Friends
Members & Friends of the UMJA
Shalom to our visitors around the world!
If you're interested in joining the UMJA,
please scroll down at the bottom of this page
to fill out an application form.
Annual Membership & Charter Fees
were due January 31, 2025.
They are due by 28 February. (30 days past due)
Gold Seals will be mailed out in February.
Complete and email to: info@umja.net
For your convenience, your fee can either be submitted online
through our donation page or mailed by check to:
UMJA, PO Box 174, Hatchechubbee AL 36858 USA
(Make sure to let us know what it is for so we can issue a receipt.)

To maintain your charter, please be sure to stay up to date with your annual membership dues.
Beginning in 2024, dues should be paid by January 31st.
The annual Membership for a Congregational Leader is $100 per year.
A Congregational Charter is $100 per year.
An Associate Membership for individuals is $25 per year.
The UMJA offers its members and affiliates free resources such as personal and
congregational siddurs, materials, and other Messianic resources, to equip our
congregations and members. Once your Congregation is chartered with UMJA,
you will be provided a password to this valuable section of our website.
Click HERE to go to the UMJA Resource Members' Login Page.
Thank you!
Member Congregations
African Messianic Outreach, Africa
Ministry Leader: Rabbi Mitch Chapman
Working with Congregations in Uganda, Zimbabwe, Kenya
Email: mcchap0@gmail.com or at amo@africanmessianicoutreach.org
Phone number: +256 741 774119 (WhatsApp)
Calgary L’chaim Bible Fellowship, Alberta Canada
Congregational Leader - Ro'eh Louwell Ogbinar
Meeting location at 1911 76 Ave SE in Ogden, Calgary, Alberta.
Meeting time: Shabbat @ 1:00 pm- 6:00 pm
Website: www.lechaimbiblefellowship.org
E-mail: lchaimbiblefellowship@gmail.com
Correspondence Mailing Address- 138 Bridlewood Ave SW Calgary AB Canada T2Y 3T5
Phone number: (403) 931-6644
Beit Emunah Shleimah, Brazil
Congregational Leader: Rabbi Joshua Meddeiros
Mailing address: 619 Harry Dannemberg Vila, Carosina-sp
Meeting location: Same as mailing address
E-mail: Joshuameddeiros@gmail.com
Meeting times: Shabbat Shacharit @10:00 am. Havdalah and Service @8:00 pm
Phone number: 55-012-99708-0417
Beit Yeshua Messianic Fellowship, Edinburgh, Scotland
Congregational Leader: Dr Max Debono-De-Laurentis
Mailing address: Edinburgh, Scotland
Meeting times: Please contact Dr Max at maxddl@icloud.com
Website: www.beityeshuamessianicfellowship.co.uk
Alphabetical by State
Beit HaSha'ar Messianic Fellowship, Columbus, Georgia / Phenix City, Alabama
Congregation Leader: Rabbi Sh'maryahu (Greg) Lehtimaki
Mailing address: 125 Robert Drive Manchester, Georgia 31816
Meeting location: 2015 Highway 280, Phenix City Alabama 36867
Meeting time: Erev Shabbat @ 7:00 pm & Mincha Shabbat @ 1:00 pm
Website: www.beithashaar.com
Email: beithashaar@gmail.com
Phone Number: (706) 977-0453
Sound The Shofar Messianic Ministries Birmingham, AL
Congregational Leader: Rabbi Eric Herschberg
Email: herschbergc@gmail.com
Shamash Ariel, Pablo, CO
Congregational Leader: Rabbi Jimmy Rittenhouse with Rabbi Michael Marks
Meeting Location: 9306 Timberlake Loop, Colorado Springs CO 80927
Phone number: 719-546-8000
Email: rebjimmy@yahoo.com
Ohr Yeshua Messianic Synagogue, Bradenton, FL
Congregational Leader: Rabbi Gary Beresford
Mailing address: 11828 Hollyhock Drive, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
Meeting location: main sanctuary of the Bayshore Church of the Nazarene
2311 57th Ave. West. Bradenton.
Meeting time: Shabbat 10:00 am
Website: www.ohryeshuamessianic.org
Phone number: (941) 755-0001
Kehilat Bet Avinu, Davie, FL
Congregational Leader: Rabbi Daniel Causey
Bilingual Services – English with Spanish Translation
Servicios bilingües inglés con traducción al español
Mailing address: 11860 W State Rd 84 Suite B-14, Davie, FL 33325
Please consult our Website for service times and events
Website: https://kehilatbetavinu.org/
Consulte nuestra página web para conocer los horarios de los servicios y loseventos.
Phone number: (754) 667-0428
Beit Immanuel Global Outreach Congregation
Leader: Ro'eh Bernard Clovis
Mailing address: 624 Skyridge Rd Clermont FL 34711
Meeting location: 7101 Lake Ellenor Dr Orlando FL 32809
Website: beitimmanuel.com
Phone: 1-754-207-0099
Email: beitimmanuel.bigos@gmail.com
Tzur Yisrael (Rock of Israel) Congregation, Auburn, GA
Congregational Leader: Rabbi David and Rabbanit Kimberly Otero
Mailing Address: 1385 6th Avenue, Auburn GA 30011
Email: info@tzuryisrael.org
Beth Shalom Messianic Fellowship, Post Falls, ID
Congregational Leader: Pastor Bill Miller
Mailing address: PO Box 2517 Post Falls, Idaho 83877
Meeting location: 3773 West 5th Avenue, Post Falls, Idaho 83854
Meeting time: Shabbat 11:00 am
Website: www.bethshalomcda.net
Phone Number: (208) 651-8510
Church on the Rock
17N230 Manning Road, Huntley, IL 60142
O: 847-961-6974
C: 224-520-1245
Kehillat Kadosh L'cha Winchendon, Winchendon, MA
Congregational Leader: Messianic Rabbi Ken (Yehudah) MacNeil
Mailing address: Winchendon, Massachusetts 01475
Meeting location: Winchendon, Massachusetts 01475 - Please call us
Meeting time: Shabbat @ 1:00 pm
Phone number: 1-508-982-0830
Shalom Four Corners (Messianic), Aztec, NM
Congregational Leader: Messianic Rabbi Michael ben Avraham Smith
Mailing Address: 112 North Main Avenue, Aztec, New Mexico 87410
Meeting time and information: nepheshrecovery@gmail.com
Petah Tikvah, Rochester, NY
Congregational Leader: Messianic Rabbi Richard (Aharon) Chaimberlin
Mailing address: 165 Doncaster Road, Rochester, New York 14623
Meeting location: Same as mailing address
Meeting time: Please contact us
Website: www.petahtikvah.com
Phone number: (585) 475-1188
Yedidei Adonai, Estacada, OR
Congregational leader: Messianic Rabbi Gavriel Lumbroso
Mailing address: P.O. Box 538, Estacada, Oregon 97023
Meeting location: 29455 SE Eagle Creek Road, Estacada, Oregon 97023
Meeting time: See website for times and updates
Website: http://www.yadfriends.com
Phone number: (503) 515-2033
Affiliated Rabbis
Messianic Rabbi Yosef Koelner - UMJA Rosh Yeshiva
Messianic Rabbi Yehuda Mordechai - Baltimore, MD
Rabbi Mordechai Esper - Harrisburg, PA
Rabbi Bruce Booker (retd) - brucebooker@msn.com
Affiliated Mashpia
Jim Pierce - thewildbranchministries@gmail.com @ Colorado Springs, Co
Affiliated Morehs
Josh Roe - j_l_roe@yahoo.com
Chavurah - Beit Talmidim ha'Derech
56 Tully Road, Orange, MA
Shane Somonski - shzne@yahoo.com @ Beit HaShaar Messianic Fellowship
Affiliated Morahs
Mary Beth Childree - childreefarms@gmail.com @ Beit HaShaar Messianic Fellowship
Karen Low Deloge - karenlowdeloge@gmail.com
Kimberly Otero - info@tzuryisrael.org
Theresa Siers - - teri.siers@yahoo.com @ Beit HaShaar Messianic Fellowship
Associate Members
Michael Adams - ravmichael@ravmichael.com
Rabbi Bruce Booker - brucebooker@msn.com
Jared Diaz - eaglefox613@gmail.com
Melanie Fernandez - melanniefernandezalvarez8@gmail.com
Brian Hogan - bhogan@clark.edu
Anthony Pino - tpino1012@gmail.com
Tony Bennett - tonybbennett@gmail.com

Every January
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